Monday, November 22, 2010

Ok - the Buff Beach Body 2011 Challenge begins...

Ok, update time everyone...I got down to 210 and stalled out (no exercise but stayed on the diet). Then started to creep up to 215, 220.

I'm starting a new challenge, to be fleshed out. Here are the details:
1) I will do a weekly photo weigh in (on tuesday mornings) and update the web site.

2) I will do a weekly Photo session, highlighting my shrinking girth and my emerging muscles (yes, there will be a parental warning notification for those of you who are unaccustomed to blubber)

3) Starting today, Monday, November 22nd, I will be waking up no later than 6:30 to exercise, as part of my monthly long conditioning to prepare for....wait for it...P90x beginning the first week of the New Year.

That means that by April 2nd of 2011, your favorite frazier will be even MORE awesome than he already is...I will add "sex symbol" to my already impressive list of accomplishments!

What can you do to help? Just be my fan and keep the comments on the Facebook fan page rolling!!!

First update tomorrow at 6:30 AM!